The following is 90% emotional and 10% rational - based on the Jays ongoing shittacular interleague performance - but seriously: a 15-game stretch against National League opponents? Really, Bud Selig? The novelty hasn't worn off at all, not even just a little? I like the concept of interleague play - maybe line the Jays up against past World Series opponents like the Braves and Phillies - but a half dozen series against the like of the Rockies and Padres? Oh well, at least this gives T.O. fans a chance to see Doc again. Oh, wait. (I'll stop now....)
The following might cause me to lose posting privileges indefinitely, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it anyway.....Shawn Camp for closer. Who's with me? Anyone? Aw, c'mon...let's talk about this a little. Pros: dude seems unflappable, has remade himself this year by adding the pre-requisite Blue Jay change-up, keeps the ball down, and is always around the zone. Cons: doesn't strike out a tonne of hitters, would result in the Tao completely losing his shit. Just think about it, is all I'm saying.
Shaun Marcum, Ricky Romero, Brett Cecil, Brandon Morrow, Marc Rzepczynski, Jesse Litsch, Kyle Drabek, Chad Jenkins, Henderson Alvarez, Deck McGuire....and a capital "E" etcetera. Something's gotta give. Eventually.
One and a half seasons into his second career as a professional baseball hitter, and Adam Loewen is OPS'ing .911 in AA New Hampshire. Kind of makes you wonder "what if?", doesn't it? What could have been, and what still might be. Fingers crossed.
You know what I enjoyed in this eve's 1-0 loss to the Rockies? Jose Molina's little "fuck you" fake throw to hold a runner who advanced to third on a wild pitch and rounded a little tooooo aggressively for Molina's liking. It doesn't take much for me, let me tell ya. (Insight you probably didn't need, I'm aware.)
Seriously though, Camp for Closer? Can we get some momentum on this? Sort of like "Ballots for Bautista", but without the 0-for-20something slump. Gotta strike while the iron's lukewarm, baby.
Speaking of a slumping Bautista, it's inevitable that he'll slow down, but Aaron Hill and Adam Lind have to get going in the second half, don't they? Lind confuses the shit out of me - he'll square up and hit the ball on the screws for three at-bats in a row, then look completely lost flailing for his next three AB's. Maybe he needs to spend a few games in a row saddling up next to ol' Clarence on the bench again. Playing in NL parks for the next few games seems like the perfect opportunity. I do not, however, advocate the same for Hill. No offense, Mike McCoy.
I'm aboard the Camp for closer train. For this reason alone: "...would result in the Tao completely losing his shit.
Fuck Interleague play.
And Hill and Lind better have monstrous Julys, Augusts and Septembers.
When the fuck will it come together, all of it, at the same time?
I'd rather we bring up Bubbie Buzachero for closer. Just because.
Bubbie Buzzsaw for closer!
It sucks when a guy like Morrow comes in and does what he did and the offense can't eke out two runs.
There's no doubt that Camp's been the best guy out of the pen, but that's exactly why he shouldn't be the closer. Especially when you consider his skill set - an extreme GB pitcher who doesn't get a ton of K's or walk too many batters. He's ideal for coming in with runners on base because he's likely to get a quick and easy DP.
His efficiency allows him to pitch 1-2 innings, and that's something that can't be taken advantage of as a closer.
More importantly the Jays need to call up Carlson and trade/DFA Tallet. The ERA is ugly for Carlson in AAA, but considering he has an 8k/9, a 2BB/9 and a 3.44 FIP down there, it's pretty clear that he's being wasted down there. You call him up and the Jays have another option in the pen, which will really help out the BP. That and giving Purcey a shot at some late innings to see if he's worth keeping up.
There's no doubt that Camp's been the best guy out of the pen, but that's exactly why he shouldn't be the closer. Especially when you consider his skill set - an extreme GB pitcher who doesn't get a ton of K's or walk too many batters. He's ideal for coming in with runners on base because he's likely to get a quick and easy DP.
His efficiency allows him to pitch 1-2 innings, and that's something that can't be taken advantage of as a closer.
More importantly the Jays need to call up Carlson and trade/DFA Tallet. The ERA is ugly for Carlson in AAA, but considering he has an 8k/9, a 2BB/9 and a 3.44 FIP down there, it's pretty clear that he's being wasted down there. You call him up and the Jays have another option in the pen, which will really help out the BP. That and giving Purcey a shot at some late innings to see if he's worth keeping up.
This is starting to feel like the roadie that murdered last season.
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