Especially when the birth of this bastard child (did we just go there?) will result in Alex Rios opting to stay by the side of his girlfriend in the delivery room rather than playing in tonight's opener versus the Yankees. (Or
so says the New York Post.)
Best wishes to Papa Alex, Mamacita, and little Bastardo. And hurry back,
por favor.
what a great story. from throwing rocks at the bedroom window of her high rise apartment to the birth of their first child. beautiful.
Hola Alex!
One wonders if Rios is any relation to Antonio Bastardo.
So the Blue Jays outfield will have Brad Wilkerson in center, Matt Stairs in left and Adam Lind in right.
Interesting... if not a little scary.
OK, a lot scary.
Well played, Ack. Well played.
I think Alex and his significant other are engaged.
Andrew, that is a little scary. Although Mighty Joe is slated to play RF tonight. Maybe the Mench will be called up. Hell, why don't we put Rusty Adams in the OF just for shits and giggles?
inglett is ill. he played well in right last night.
i'm glad jeter stroked that double in the 9th. if that a-rod single was the only hit allowed by doc last night, i would have had to track down brad wilkerson...and kill him...because, my oh my, that was one pathetic attempt he made on that ball.
"I think Alex and his significant other are engaged."
Engaged in something, anyway.
I'm very happy for Lexi, and his woman and little baby Alessandra. But could they not have held off like 4 more days? I mean, really. It's the Yankees.
Brandy Halladay would have held onto the kid in her uterus for an extra nine days if she needed to.
and would have collected canned goods...
"and would have collected canned goods..."
well fucking played!
Did you hear Brandy talking to Jerry and Alan yesterday? She was all like:
"Yeah, we've collected a lot of food, but I always want to cellect a little more."
That's nails.
Or how she sold park info to New Yorkers for donations. Like "I'll tell you where Gate 5 is for 5 bucks." I'd marry her.
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