Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Rock Out: Matthew Sweet - "Sick of Myself"

That pretty much covers it.

What can we say. It's been a hella-long season to this point, and as a commenter pointed out yesterday, we've lost it. We're in a bit of a slump. We're waving at the outside junk and getting frozen by anything inside.

Our weight transfer has a hitch in it. We're dropping our hands. We're slow getting to the ball. We're overthinking things up there.

Our footwork's all wrong. We're not reading the ball off the bat. We're not getting down on the ball. We're not following the ball into our glove.

We're opening our shoulder too much. We're elevating the fastball. We've got no control over our breaking stuff. We're nibbling around the edges. We're losing zip on our heater, and our breaking stuff is all flat. We're eminently hittable.

Who knew that watching five-sixths of a season of Blue Jays baseball would provide us with so many perfect analogies to describe the overarching funk in which we find ourselves?

Sorry folks. Next week, we'll be better.


Stedron said...


We may run like Mays, but we hit like shit.

What's that? We don't run well either? Well I'll be damned.

Darren Priest said...

Ah, I love Matthew Sweet. He got fat and I can relate. I wonder if Sweet's real name is Judah Friedlander. The big foam cap seems like a possible precursor

The Ack said...

Am I dreaming, or did I talk up this tune somewhere in the comments recently? I'm far too lazy to look it up.

It's just unfortunate this blog doesn't have the bench strength to help get through a self-professed "slump" by the starter.

Wait, what?

Tao of Stieb said...

We all got fat, Darren. You, me, our buddies, Steven Segal.

Sometimes, I remember back to when I was a trim 155 lbs, and slim and pretty, with no back hair or high blood pressure or dark circles under my eyes. I looked good in my torn jeans and my flannel and my Doc Martens.

And I think about how I didn't appreciate my youth when I had it.

If I had one day where I could go back to my 22 year-old self, I'd strut that shit around like nobody's business.

Tao of Stieb said...

Ack: You've been holding this team together, while the high-priced talent (what?) flounders and rests on their laurels.

I'm Vernon. You're Lind.

Stedron said...

155 lbs? I didn't realize you guys ever used normal increments or measure up there?

I KID!!! I KID!!!

Anonymous said...

Tao, it's not like you a career hot or not performer....this is an aberration. I'm sure ZiPS will predict great things for you next season.

Navin Vaswani (@eyebleaf) said...

It's impossible to read this post and not think about Vernon Wells.

Enjoy the long weekend, gents.

Tao of Stieb said...

Awww, come on Ack. Pick up your teammate this weekend! Bring some easy cheese!

Bruno Van Rottweiller said...

@ Darren priest, DP you are kinda liek a Canuck version of sweet. That's a compliment BTW,mate......

Darren Priest said...

Hey, I'll take the compliment, but I'm not sure what I have in common with Matthew Sweet.

I see he'll be in NY in November with special guest Susannah Hoffs. You'll have to check that out, Bruno.

Mattt said...

Am I at the wrong blog?

Tao of Stieb said...

Maybe so. It kinda took a funny turn this week, didn't it?

Mattt said...

Just a little but I think we're all losing it at this point...