Friday, December 14, 2007

Mitchell Report: It's all Toller Cranston's fault

Remember when Toller Cranston was on Off The Record with Roger Clemens shortly after he came to the Jays, and the figure skater asked him why baseball players were so fat?

And then around the same time, the Rocket starts getting testosterone shots in the ass at the SkyDome Hotel from Brian McNamee.



Stoeten said...


Where the hell did you dig that up from? Don't tell me you actually remember it/watch OTR.

Tao of Stieb said...

It was stuck somewhere in the recesses of our mind. Very scary places, where we tuck away things like Everclear lyrics and dialogue from Dawson's Creek.

But we haven't watched OTR on purpose in probably about six or seven years.


Anonymous said...

Who does watch OTR? That show blows. I scramble for the remote after PTI to change the channel every time.